One sign of a healthy community is the health of local journalism. In an age of 24/7 global news cycles and viral headlines, it can be easy to overlook the critical role local journalism plays in our daily lives.

Press Forward is a new national initiative created to address the decline in the availability of reliable, fact-based local news across the country. The Press Forward initiative includes national, state, and local funders collectively investing more than $500 million to strengthen local newsrooms; close gaps in journalism coverage; advance public policy that expands access to local news; and to build/scale the infrastructure the sector needs to thrive and to meet the needs of our local communities. The national initiative is creating local Press Forward chapters to lead efforts that identify local needs and build funding collaborations to support local journalism.
The work of Press Forward is conducted through a network of 31 local chapters throughout the country to bring new donors and foundations together to expand resources for new strategies that will improve access to reliable local news coverage. These chapters use the locally raised dollars to fund place-based initiatives tailored to meet the specific information needs of local communities.
The Creation of Press Forward Arkansas (PFA): In the fall of 2024, Arkansas Community Foundation applied to the national Press Forward initiative and received designation as a statewide chapter for Arkansas. Press Forward Arkansas envisions a future where all Arkansans have access to high-quality, trustworthy state and local news and information important on issues facing their families and local communities and our state. The long-term objective of Press Forward Arkansas is that all Arkansans will be better prepared to make local decisions and take action to enhance our lives and improve our communities.

Status of Press Forward Arkansas: Press Forward Arkansas recently submitted a “catalyst” grant application to national Press Forward for a two-year grant for $250,000. The purpose of the grant is to provide seed financial support for local chapters to develop funding strategies and carry out critical activities that meet the unique needs of their communities.
If the application is approved, it will support the following activities in 2025 and 2026:
- Build the infrastructure for Press Forward Arkansas.
- Commission a media landscape analysis to identify major gaps in statewide media and local news.
- Conduct limited grantmaking with catalyst grant funds to directly support 3-5 pilot projects.
- Support the development and implementation of a chapter fundraising strategy to recruit new local, state, and national funders.
Local journalism matters. It deserves our attention, our support and our gratitude.
For more information about Press Forward and Arkansas Community Foundation’s involvement in this nation-wide effort, please contact one of our staff members below.