Food Security Grants

Dig deeper into the data on food insecurity in Arkansas – key factors that contribute to it, the health impacts, and possible solutions for our state. Click here.

Arkansas Community Foundation’s Food Security focus area is aimed at reducing food insecurity and increasing the number of Arkansans who have consistent, secure access to healthy food.   

To understand how numerous factors influence access to healthy food, we connect with partners such as the Access to Healthy Foods Research Group in the Arkansas Children’s Research Institute and UAMS, the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, Healthy Active Arkansas and the Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School and Early Childhood Education program. 

These partners across Arkansas agree that food security is dependent on a strong resilient food system that goes beyond simply getting food to people.  With that in mind, the Community Foundation has provided statewide Access to Local Foods Grants, to assist organizations in their efforts to make fresh foods more accessible.

Grantees help increase Arkansans’ access to locally grown and produced foods and strengthen the local food system. Grantees include:

  • Elaine Legacy Center’s Vacant Lot Farming
  • Communities Unlimited Jefferson County Food Farmacy Pilot
  • University of Ozarks Clarksville Food Hub
  • Lula Mae’s Day Center
  • WSBZ Farm
  • Foodbank of Northeast Arkansas
  • Arkansas Foodbank
  • Urban Patchwork
  • River Valley Food 4 Kids
  • Main Street Batesville
  • New Beginnings NWA

Is your organization looking for funding opportunities to combat food insecurity in Arkansas?  In addition to occasional statewide grants offered by the Community Foundation central office, learn more about possible grant opportunities focused on food security in our local affiliate areas and how to apply here.

Contact our community investment staff to learn more.

Lauren Morris

Program Director


Annetta Tirey

Northwest Arkansas Program Officer
