
Robert Zunick: “Why I Give”

Robert Zunick

When the term ‘Renaissance Man’ is used to describe someone, Robert Zunick would have to fall into that category.

He graduated magna cum laude in chemistry yet became a financial advisor. He grew up playing music and now creates Zuni inspired stone carvings in his spare time. When he became a father, Robert began to realize yet another part of himself: he finds great joy in giving to youth and to human service.

Robert said he and his wife started the giving process when their two boys were young.

“We’d sit down as a family every Thanksgiving to decide on how to give to others,” he said. “It was a great exercise to make them think about what to support. Now that they’re grown, we see them giving freely.”

One of his pet projects is Hot Springs Area Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC), where he has served 12 years as a youth advisor.

“It’s encouraging to see teenagers embrace philanthropy so naturally. So many people complain about young people and their occasional shortcomings, but after one hour watching these kids your faith in humanity and our future is fully restored!” One of the other organizations his family fund has supported is Jackson House, a crisis center that helps folks down on their luck and helps kids from going hungry.”

“I believe Woodrow Wilson sums it up best: There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed,” Robert said. “In this time we have on earth, we should make it a better place. We have an obligation to do that.”

We partner with people like Robert to talk about their goals for charitable giving and how we can make those goals a reality. If you’d like to schedule a time to talk with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or give us a call at 501-372-1116.