
Different Ways You Can Give

There’s more to giving than cash! Yes, writing a check or making a credit card donation is a simple way to give to the nonprofit organizations you support, but did you know you’ve got other options?

Arkansas Community Foundation can work with you and your attorney, CPA or financial advisor to help you turn your non-cash assets into a gift that can benefit your favorite charitable causes for years to come.

Here’s how:

Real Estate. When you donate a home, commercial property or piece of land, you can take an income tax deduction for 100% of  appraised value of the property if it was held for a year or longer.

Securities. Transferring publicly traded securities to the Community Foundation is a simple transaction that can be completed in a few business days. Contact Lindsey Simmons in our central office for transfer instructions. We’re also able to accept closely held stock. Contact Ashley Coldiron to learn more.

Insurance Policies. If you’ve got a limited cash flow but want to make a large gift, donating an unneeded insurance policy could be an attractive option for you. You can defer the gift by naming the Community Foundation as a beneficiary, or donate the policy outright.

Crops or Timber. We’re even able to accept donations of agricultural products. We’ll work with a buyer to sell the products on the market and use the proceeds to support the charities you designate.

A non-cash gift might be the ideal way for you to make a significant impact on a cause you care about this a holiday season. You can partner with the Community Foundation to set up a fund or endowment to protect, grow and direct your charitable dollars. It’s not too late to start your giving legacy this holiday season.

Starting your own charitable fund is simpler than you think. Find out how it works here. 

What are your giving goals? Contact our staff to set up a consultation and find out how we can help you achieve them.