The Pine Bluff Area Community Foundation is one of the longest serving affiliates of Arkansas Community Foundation. And one of the most active. The affiliate’s 15-person board recently completed a rigorous strategic planning process and has begun putting their strategy into action.
“We want to broaden the awareness of the Foundation — not just for donors, but community leaders,” said Glenn Freeman, affiliate board member and longtime supporter of the Community Foundation. “If there is a group or person trying to do good work here, we want to know about it, and we want them to come to us so we can collaborate.”
Pine Bluff is not wealthy,” he said. “But there is tremendous opportunity and a chance for us to make an impact.”
Rebecca Pittillo leads the affiliate board as chair. “One of the most important things we can do is listen,” she said. “Community leaders must listen to the problems before they can offer solutions.”

The Pine Bluff Area affiliate is active in making grants through the lens of their strategic plan. Lawrence Fikes leads the affiliate as executive director. “For the first time, fiscal year 2022 saw the Pine Bluff affiliate grant over $100,000 to local nonprofits and in scholarships — and we’re on track to do the same in fiscal year 23,” he said. “Our board focuses on community development, family, education, health and food insecurity with our grantmaking.”
“We work hard to make it easier for nonprofits, especially through the Giving Tree grants.” Pittillo said. “We make the application process simple, and the turnaround time quick. That ease and speed yield higher impact.
“Our board is dedicated to the work we have before us,” said Pittillo. “I believe the future is bright for this organization and the Pine Bluff community.”