Who’s Eligible
501c3 nonprofit organizations, schools and government entities are eligible to apply. Other community organizations may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicant organizations must be based in, or provide direct services in, one of the counties served by our 29 affiliate offices
Who’s NOT Eligible
Each request is considered on its own merit. However, the following types of requests generally are not considered:
- Projects that address sectarian religious purposes
- Projects that are political in nature or have a political bias
- Scholarships or fellowships for formal education at any level
- General operating support outside the specific project or proposal
- Support for organizations that do not qualify for tax-exempt status
What We’re Looking For
Grant proposals should support access to food for Arkansans by addressing one or more focus areas below:
1.Food is easy to get to –When driving long distances or going to multiple locations to get a sufficient amount of food to meet a family or individual’s needs, there is additional financial burden and stress. Programs that support innovative ways to get food to people or build food distributors’ capacity to permanently serve more individuals help build access to food.
2.Food is nutritious – Those accessing emergency food are Arkansans’ most vulnerable. Providing well-balanced food options, educational programs, and improving the quality, quantity, and appearance of healthier food options that helps better support those in crisis.
3.Food is affordable – Healthier foods can be expensive presenting a real challenge for those facing food insecurity. Building local foods, safety-net programs that help make food affordable for those in need, and food budgeting/education programs that help make food budgets last longer are ways to help make food budgets better fit families’ needs.
4.Food is safe –Spoiled or unsafe foods are a real danger for a household struggling to provide sufficient food. Missed work or medical bills can contribute to a worsening financial situation for the household. When food recipients AND food distributors have the knowledge, skills, and equipment to keep food safe, food budgets and healthier food options last longer.
5.Food is client centered – Food security is one piece of a puzzle that includes interrelated challenges around poverty as well as culture, tradition and special medical needs. Providing food and services in a way that makes sense to those in need helps build strong, resilient food systems that meet the needs of every Arkansan.