Pope County Community Foundation

Pope County Community Foundation was founded in 2001 as an affiliate of Arkansas Community Foundation. It is a charitable nonprofit organization with a local board of directors that provides the framework for implementation of solutions that improve the lives of the people of Pope County.

By working to attract endowment gifts from individuals/families, business, organizations, even private foundations or charitable trusts, the local Community Foundation serves as the steward of community assets. Meanwhile the dividends, through grants, address community needs and opportunities in perpetuity. Perpetuity is a word that should catch everyone’s attention, creating a permanent source – forever – to address community priorities by making grants to support charitable programs that work for the people of Pope County.  

In nationwide surveys Arkansans always rank near the top in giving. We feel comfortable in saying there is no greater opportunity to give than through an endowment that will benefit your specific interest or projects with the assurance that your charitable intent will be fulfilled in perpetuity.  

The local Board of Directors strives to represent all segments of the county with members not only from the Russellville area, but throughout Pope County.  The board is always open to, in fact seeking, those with a heart for giving of their time and talent to assist in creating and fulfilling a program that best improves the lives of our residents.

Our Giving Tree Grant cycle is once a year and runs mid-January to mid-February. From the Giving Tree Fund, we make grants to several local nonprofits to help them do good in our community. Click here to learn more. 

To DONATE to a fund, follow this link to view a complete list of our Pope County funds and endowments.

Local Giving Tree Grants Support Nonprofits Working in and for Pope County

Pope County Community Foundation, an affiliate of Arkansas Community Foundation, announced the recipients of Giving Tree Grants for nonprofits in Pope County.

 “This year we were able to award 15 grants to our local nonprofits,” said Madelyn Ginsberg, executive director of the Pope County affiliate. “The majority of our grants will allow our local citizens to receive basic human needs. Several of our board members personally funded several of the requests”.

“Our Giving Tree program is our flagship grantmaking program. It represents our commitment to and the importance of local decision making to meet local needs,” said Heather Larkin, president and CEO of the Community Foundation. “Funding for our Giving Tree grants comes from individuals and families within our affiliate areas who want to improve their community. These endowments provide a permanent source of funding for local charitable causes.”

The following are the 2025 Giving Tree grant recipients:

AR Hunters Feeding the Hungry – Matched by a donor
AR Imagination Library
Augsburg Food Pantry
Autism Ability Advocates, Inc
Equestrian Zone
Family & Community Through Service, Inc (FACTS) / Atkins
Manna House Food Pantry / Farmers Market
Manna House Food Pantry / Protein Rich Foods
River Valley Christian Clinic
River Valley Disabled American Veterans
Royal Family Kids Camp
Sharing and Caring
The Call
The Russ Bus, Inc

In addition to these grants, several board members funded the following organizations:

A Field of Angels
AR Hunters Feeding the Hungry
Russ Bus, Inc.
Nova Star Animal Rescue
River Valley Ability Center
Cherokee Food Pantry – Matched by a doner

Board Members

Fe Barton

Bud Gunter

Vice Chair

Bob Hardin

Clay McCall

Todd Meimerstorf

Carol Mobley


Lisa Price

Dalton Van Horn

Jared Wood

(Left to right.) Todd Meimerstorf, Lisa Price, Bob Hardin, Bud Gunter, vice chairman, Carol Mobley, Chairman, Fe Barton, Jared Wood. Not pictured is Ron Knost and Clay McCall.