Hot Springs Area Community Foundation

Since 1991, we have been working to serve as a vehicle for helping individuals, firms and organizations in our area in carrying out their immediate and long-term philanthropic plans. The Foundation has created over 129 funds that benefit Garland and Montgomery counties with many leaving lasting legacies which will benefit worthwhile causes throughout our state and country.  

One of 29 affiliates of Arkansas Community Foundation, Hot Springs Area Community Foundation has provided over $16 million in cumulative grants throughout our 30 years of service to Garland and Montgomery counties. These grants support programs that respond to critical needs such as food insecurity and health related issues, as well as programs that sustain and enrich, like the arts and education. 

An issue we have been deeply involved with is the statewide Grade Level Reading Initiative, a collaboration of state and local nonprofits, parents and families, government agencies, foundations, educators, business leaders and policymakers committed to the goal that all Arkansas children will read at grade-level by the end of third grade. We are continually working on ways to make Garland and Montgomery counties better communities for all citizens and visitors.

To DONATE to a fund, follow this link to view a complete list of our Hot Springs Area funds and endowments.

Grant Cycles


Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Grant Cycle opens Feb. 16 and ends March 31. Grants during this cycle are specific to programs that support youth and children of Garland County. All 501c3 nonprofits, schools, churches, hospitals or government agencies that meet this specific requirement are encouraged to apply. Grant range from $100 to $2,000. Contact Joyce Whitfield for more information.

Applications should be submitted online by completing the application or they may be printed, scanned and emailed to


Our Early Literacy* grant cycle, opens Feb. 18 and ends March 31.  Grant range is from $2,500 to 10,000.  Our 2025-26 focus will be applications which work to ensure that more children are kindergarten-ready in language and literacy by connecting them to age-appropriate literacy development resources from birth to age 4. In addition, proposals focusing on increasing the number of preschoolers who are exposed to phonics by working with childcare centers to implement pre-K phonemic awareness curriculum and/or parent and community engagement will be given strong consideration.

*Early Literacy grants, formerly considered as Grade Level Reading grants, now known as Excel 8 or Early Literacy grants.

These grants must be submitted on the  Early Literacy online application, not the regular Giving Tree grant application.  

For questions, call Joyce Whitfield, Executive Director, 501-372-1007 or email


Giving Tree Grant Cycle opens July 10 and ends Aug. 15. Grants during this cycle are made to support a variety of causes based on changing community needs. All 501c3 nonprofits, schools, churches, hospitals or government agencies that meet this specific requirement are encouraged to apply. Grant range from $500 to $8,000. Contact Joyce Whitfield for more information on how to apply.  

Local Giving Tree Grants Support Nonprofits Working in and for Hot Springs Area

The most recent Hot Springs Area Giving Tree grants include:

A.C.E. All Created Equal
Adult and Teen Challenge of Arkansas
Anso Divine Spa
AR Kids Read
Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry
Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund.
Arkansas Thoroughbred Retirement and Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc.
Artchurch Studio dba Emergent Arts
ASMSA Foundation
Central Arkansas Development Council
Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center
Cooperative Christian Ministries & Clinic
Cutter Morning Star Elementary
Faith Fellowship Church Food Pantry
First Step Inc
Fountain Lake Fire Protection District
Garland County CASA
Garland County Habitat for Humanity
Garland County Historical Society
Giving Team.Inc
Glenwood First Church of the Nazarene
Guardian Angels Cat Club
Haven UMC
High Impact Movement, Inc.
Holy Sews, Inc.
Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance (Arts Cooperative Team)
Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute
Hot Springs Sister City Program
HSV Angels
I Can! of Arkansas
Jackson House (Community Crisis Intervention Services Inc)
Lakeside Baptist Church
Low Key Arts, Incorporated
Mid-America Science Museum
National Park College Foundation
NICA Hot Springs Thoroughbreds
Ouachita Artists Gallery and Studio
Ouachita Children's Center, Inc.
Potter's Clay Ministries, Inc.
Project HOPE Food Bank, Inc.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Sunshine Therapeutic Riding Center
The CALL in Garland & Hot Spring Counties
The CALL in Pike & Montgomery Counties
Veterans Memorial of Garland County
WaySeekers Ministry

Board Members

Stephanie Alderdice

Karen Baim Reagler

Dennis Berry


Beau Britton

Scott Burton

Charleen Copeland

Dr. Stuart Fleischner

Donnetta Frierson

Melinda Gassaway

Minnie Lenox

Dan Messersmith

Bart Newman

Immediate Past Chair

Ray Owen, Jr.

Dr. Jack Porter

Dea Ann Richard

Vice Chair

Dr. John B. Simpson


David Trice

Festus Ugbade

Jean Wallace

Jared Zeiser


Youth Advisory Council (YAC)

YAC students are local public, private and homeschool high school-age students who are interested in community service and philanthropy. Applications for membership are taken each year prior to the beginning of the new school year.

The group meets monthly from September to April to learn about the needs of our communities as well as the nonprofits working locally to serve those needs. YAC members participate in community service projects and host their own grant cycle by soliciting grant applications February 16 – March 31 every year, for grants to be made to support programs designed specifically to help local youth and children in Garland County. Contact to learn more.

Oaklawn Foundation Scholarships

Students, are you looking for information about how to apply for the Oaklawn Scholarship, available Jan. 2 - Feb. 18 of each year. Check out our information page and get ready to apply.

Apply Now