Conway County Legal Beverage Grants:
Conway County Legal Beverage Association will distribute approximately $50,000 in Conway County. The Advisory Board to the fund is interested in requests which meet pressing needs in Conway County and which leverage other funds. The Board prefers providing matching funds, challenge grants, projects which make innovative use of funding or which serve a large number of people. Eligible recipients are 501 (C-3) nonprofits and public agencies. All applications must be postmarked by May 1, 2025. Here is a link to the application form. Conway County Legal Beverage Association Grant Application Form
Founded in 1999, Conway County Community Foundation is an affiliate of Arkansas Community Foundation. We offer opportunities for nonprofits, corporations, families and individuals to protect and invest their charitable dollars in the people and the causes they care about in Conway County. Our mission is to engage people, connect resources, and inspire solutions. Help Conway County continue to be the kind of place where our children will want to raise their children. Contact us to learn more about how you can be a part of our mission.
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