Agape House Endowment
To endow the Agape House
Alice Mae Wheeler Scholarship Endowment
Shall be used to provide scholarships for graduating seniors in Greene County, AR who plan on studying education to become a teacher
Arkansas Community Foundation of Greene County Giving Tree Endowment
To support general charitable and educational purposes in Greene County, Arkansas
Arkansas Community Foundation of Greene County Giving Tree Fund
To support general charitable, educational and religious purposes in Greene County, Arkansas
Arkansas Community Foundation of Greene County Operating Endowment
To provide operating support for the Endowment Foundation of Greene County Affiliate
Arkansas Community Foundation of Greene County Youth Endowment
For general charitable purposes relating to children and youth in Greene County, Arkansas
Arkansas Community Foundation of Greene County Youth Fund
For general charitable purposes relating to children and youth in Greene County, Arkansas
Barry Rogers Memorial Endowment
To support Paragould High School to for an annual award to an athlete who exemplifies Barry Roger's characteristics
BEES Senior Citizens Endowment
To serve the Senior Citizens of Greene County
Bill and Katherine Block Family Endowment
To endow worthy programs in Greene County, Arkansas
Charles Welch Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Crowley's Ridge Academy in Paragould, Arkansas
Crowley’s Ridge Academy Endowment
To support Crowley's Ridge Academy
Darin B. Russell Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To help Greene County students further their education in higher institutions
Daveda Misenhimer Endowment
To equally endow the Arkansas Methodist Medical Center Auxillary and the First United Methodist Church, Paragold, Arkansas
Dr. Richard Martin Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Paragould High School in Paragould, Arkansas
Dr. Tory Lee Stallcup Endowment
To support Arkansas Methodist Medical Center Foundation for the Dr. Tory Lee Stallcup
Dr. William and Bonita Crabtree Endowment
To support general charitable purposes
Dr. William Lee and Bonita R. Crabtree Dental Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at the University of Tennessee Dental School for students who are from Arkansas
Edward Jones Financial Advisors of Paragould Endowment
For general charitable purposes
Emmy Nell Witt Trust Endowment
To endow the Griffin Memorial Methodist Church Food Pantry
Emmy Witt Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Paragould High School for graduating seniors in who will study music or physical education
Evangeline and J. C. Cothren Endowment
Established in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cothren to support general charitable purposes with an emphasis in Greene County
Evelyn Alexander First Presbyterian Church Endowment
To endow the Memphis Theological Seminary
Fannie B. Diggs Endowment
To support the youth program at Paragould First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Paragould Endowment
To suppport the First United Methodist Church of Paragould
GCT Barry Rogers Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To support Greene County Tech High School for a scholarship in memory of Barry Rogers
Greene and Clay Counties Medical Society and Auxiliary Scholarship Endowment
To provide educational scholarships to graduates from schools located in Greene County, Arkansas majoring in pre-med or students attending medical school
Greene County 21st Century Women’s Charitable Endowment
To support general charitable purposes and nonprofits in Greene County, Arkansas
Greene County Bar Association Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors in Greene County, Arkansas
Greene County Board Endowment
For general charitable purposes
Greene County Future Fund Endowment
To support the Greene County Future Fund
Greene County High Clubhouse Endowment
To endow scholarships at Greene County Tech High School in Greene County, Arkansas
Greene County Rescue Squad Endowment
To endow Greene County Rescue Squad
Greene County Retired Teachers Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Greene County Tech High School, Marmaduke High School, and Paragould High School for a graduating senior who plans to major in education
Greene County Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships for graduating seniors at Greene County high schools to attend colleges or vocational-technical schools
Greene County Tech Alumni Endowed Scholarship
To endow scholarships at Greene County Tech High School in Paragould, Arkansas
Greene County Tech FFA Alumni Endowment
To provide scholarships to full-time graduating seniors from Greene County Tech, Paragould, Arkansas who are active in the Greene County Tech FFA Chapter and who will be attending an accredited college, university or vocational school
Greene County Tech FFA Logan Roswell Award Endowment
To support the Greene County Tech FFA annual Logan Roswell honorary award
Harmon Field Memorial Alumni Endowment
To support the Paragould High School athletic program including but not limited to scholarships for Paragould High School student athletes
Iva Hicks Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Greene County Tech High School in Greene County, Arkansas
J.D. Allen Family Endowment
To support community development in Greene County
Jim Holland Endowment
To endow a scholarship to a graduating senior from Marmaduke High School in Marmaduke, AR who plans to enroll in a four year college or university
Jones S. Horne Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships for students graduating from a high school located in Greene County, Arkansas, who exhibit both promise and interest in higher education to attend a four-year college of their choice
Laura and Vance Cupp Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Established in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Cupp, to endow scholarships at Greene County Tech High School in Greene County, Arkansas
Light Fontaine School and Community Endowment
To endow scholarships for graduating high school seniors at Greene County Tech High School in Greene County, Arkansas
Lloyd W. Dove Scholarship Endowment
Shall provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Greene county, Arkansas who will attend an accredited college, university or vacational school
M. A. “Mack” West Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships for graduating seniors from high schools in Greene County who will plan to major in agriculture or an agricultural-related field that supports farming
M. F. and Constance Block Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Paragould High School in Paragould, Arkansas
Marlin D. Jackson Endowment
To endow the Future Farmers of America program at Paragould High School in Paragould, Arkansas
Marmaduke Alumni Endowment
To provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors of Marmaduke High School in Greene County, Arkansas
Martha Jean and Fred Swindle Family Endowment
To support general charitable purposes
Mission Outreach of Northeast Arkansas, Inc. Endowment
To endow the Mission Outreach of Northeast Arkansas, Inc.
O. N. “Pete” and Geraldine Lewis Memorial Endowment
To endow scholarships at Greene County Tech High School in Greene County, Arkansas
Paragould Doctors’ Clinic Endowment
To endow support Arkansas Methodist Medical Center in providing educational scholarships to graduates from schools located in Greene County, Arkansas
Paragould High School Class of 1954 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Paragould High School and Greene County Tech High School student.
Paragould High School Class of 1955 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships to Paragould High School students
Paragould High School Classes 1957 to 1962 Joe Wessell Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Paragould High School in Paragould, Arkansas
Paragould Rotary Club Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Greene County public high schools active in Rotary Interact Club (the youth division of Paragould's Rotary Club)
R. L. Wells Family Endowment
To support general charitable purposes
Reg Green Scholarship Endowment
This Fund shall endow a scholarship through the Greene County Scholarship Fund for a student who graduates from a Greene County, Arkansas High School and who is going to attend Arkansas State University
Robert F. and Charlotte Barkley Thompson Family Endowment
To support general charitable purposes with an emphasis in Greene County
Robert W. and Drucilla Lam Inman Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships at Paragould High School In Paragould, Arkansas
S. S. Lipscomb Arkansas Methodist Hospital Endowment
Established by the S. S. Lipscomb-Kirsch Charitable and Educational Foundation to provide training for staff of the Arkansas Methodist Hospital in Paragould
S. S. Lipscomb Library Endowment
To endow the operations of the Greene County Library in implementing and operating an Arkansas History and Genealogical Section in the Greene County Library at Paragould, Arkansas
Sarah Lady Whitten Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships to any graduating senior in Greene County schools
Shaela Williams / Frances Huffman Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To endow Paragould Junior High School in Paragould, Arkansas for the benefit of a student attending band camp annually
Teleflora Scholarship Endowment
To endow scholarships for graduating high school seniors and/or returning college students whose parent or grandparent is an employee of Teleflora
W. C. O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Endowment
To provide scholarships for graduating seniors of Marmaduke High School in Greene County, Arkansas
William Irvin and Viva Cleveland Phillips Memorial Endowment
For the maintenance and operation of the Greene County Museum's education room